Whether you’re renovating your kitchen or your old dishwasher has finally given out, buying a new dishwasher can be both exciting and overwhelming. With a variety of models, features, and price points, how do you choose the best one for your needs? This guide will walk you through the important factors to consider when purchasing a new dishwasher.

Setting a Budget

Before you begin, decide on a budget. Dishwashers can range from a few hundred to over a thousand dollars. Knowing your budget will help narrow down the options.

Space and Size

Measure the space where you’ll be placing the dishwasher. Standard dishwashers are 24 inches wide, but if you have limited space, a compact 18-inch model may be more appropriate.

Energy Efficiency

Energy-efficient models may have a higher upfront cost but can save you money on your water and electricity bills in the long run. Look for models with the ENERGY STAR label.

Types of Dishwashers

– **Pros**: Larger capacity, integrated into the kitchen layout.
– **Cons**: Requires a permanent installation, can be expensive.

– **Pros**: Easy to move, no installation required.
– **Cons**: Takes up floor space, usually has a smaller capacity.

– **Pros**: Compact, inexpensive, easy to install.
– **Cons**: Very small capacity, may not accommodate larger dishes.

Features to Consider

– **Noise Level**: If your dishwasher is near living or sleeping areas, consider a quieter model.
– **Cycle Options**: Look for models with multiple wash cycles like quick wash, sanitize, and heavy-duty.
– **Third Rack**: Useful for washing cooking utensils and small items.
– **Adjustable Racks**: Helps to fit larger pots and pans.
– **Stainless Steel Interior**: More durable and energy-efficient compared to plastic interiors.

Smart Technology

Some modern dishwashers can be controlled via smartphone apps and may have features like soil sensors to adjust the wash cycle automatically.

Brand and Warranty

Choose a reputable brand and make sure to read up on the warranty terms.

Reviews and Recommendations

Don’t forget to read customer reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family. This can provide real-world insights into the appliance’s performance and durability.

In-Store Vs. Online Shopping

– **In-Store**: Allows you to see the model, but choices may be limited.
– **Online**: More options and often better deals, but you can’t see the product before buying.


Installation can be a DIY task if you’re handy, but professional installation ensures it’s done right and may be necessary to keep the warranty intact.

Final Tips

1. Take photos of your kitchen space and the electrical and water hookups.
2. Keep a list of your most-used kitchen items to ensure they’ll fit.
3. Ask about delivery and installation fees.

By taking the time to consider these factors, you’ll be well-equipped to make an informed decision and find a dishwasher that meets your needs and lifestyle.

Happy dishwashing!